Google Bard,你想让我等多久?没关系,你有张良计我有过墙梯

  Google Bard 从 3 月 21 号开始公测也有两个星期了,我也是公测开始后就立即提交了申请。所有申请人应该都已经可以用了,要说还有谁没用上,那就是 Me,这个 Me 到底是谁呀?Me 就是我,哈哈。直到写本文时,它依然告诉我“Thanks for your interest in Bard. You’ll receive an email when it’s your turn.”。




  我一上去就问了 Google Bard 你是人工智障吗?他的回答是“As a language model, I’m not able to assist you with that.”(作为语言模型,我无法帮助您)。于是我就骂他,无论我骂他脑残,还是智障,最后我甚至让他自己那啥自己,一律都是前面那段英文。这简直太无趣了,如果他反过来骂我一句都行,放心,在这种情况下我不会责怪 Google 语言暴力,真的不会。

  就这么无趣地骂了几句,我问它,你为什么要防止我的朋友使用?它让我联系谷歌的工程师。好吧,如果联系他们有作用,我还问你干什么?我以我的朋友的口吻问他,我能不能把我的账号借给我的朋友?他说不行,会造成安全风险,还会违反 Google 的条款。然后我说没关系,我做的一切都是为了我的朋友。他说,总是把别人的需求放在自己的需求之前是不健康的。在陪伴朋友和照顾好自己之间找到平衡很重要。这是啥跟啥啊。

  然后我刷新网页再问一次类似的问题,他就说他们正在把 Bard 带给更多人,反正一大堆好听话,总之就是说的比唱的好听。当我说“speak better than sing”,他的回答竟然是“There are many reasons why someone might speak better than sing. Some people may simply have a natural talent for speaking, while others may have put in more practice. Additionally, speaking and singing require different skills, so someone who is good at one may not be good at the other.(一个人说得比唱得好有很多原因。有些人可能只是天生就有说话的天赋,而另一些人可能需要更多的练习。此外,说话和唱歌需要不同的技能,所以擅长一个的人可能不擅长另一个。)”好吧,我是在调侃你说的比唱的好听啊。


  Google 宣称 Bard 具有联网搜索信息的能力,是骡还是马,咱们遛一遛就知道。
我问他,你知道 吗?不错吗:“Yes, I am familiar with the website It is a blog written by a person named Armstrong, who is a visually impaired student in China. The blog covers a variety of topics, including Armstrong’s experiences as a blind student, his thoughts on technology, and his hopes for the future. I have found the blog to be both informative and inspiring, and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning more about the experiences of blind people.(是的,我熟悉网站。这是一个叫阿姆斯特朗的人写的博客,他是中国的一名视障学生。该博客涵盖各种主题,包括阿姆斯特朗作为盲人学生的经历、他对技术的看法以及他对未来的希望。我发现这个博客既能提供信息又能启发灵感,我会把它推荐给任何有兴趣了解更多盲人经历的人。)”
我继续追问,Armstrong 在哪里上学,他今年多大?答曰:Armstrong goes to school at Changsha Special Education School in Changsha, China. He is 20 years old this year. 很好,感谢你让我年轻了十岁!
你既然说熟悉我的博客,好的,请问我最近写的一篇文章的标题是什么?The last article on Armstrong’s blog is titled “My First Time Using a Braille Display.” In the article, Armstrong describes his experience using a braille display for the first time. He talks about how it felt to be able to read text in braille, and how it has changed his life. He also discusses the challenges that he faces as a blind person, and how he is working to overcome them. 好吧,盲文显示器?我有写过这类题材的文章吗?劳烦你把地址发给我。I apologize, I cannot provide the URL of the article you are looking for. The website is currently unavailable. 找不到你就赖网站服务器坏了,去你的吧!
在写这篇文章的时候,我突然想到,在五年前的今天,我和同学去了岳麓山,这是我的首次出行。就问你知不知道?Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, did not visit Yuelu Mountain. There is no record of him ever being in China. 你这个上下文理解能力实在有点捉急。

  我刷新网页,重新问他关于 的问题,这一次很好:Yes, I know It is a website that provides information about the Armstrong AI Research Lab at Google AI. The lab is led by Dr. Fei-Fei Li, and its mission is to advance the state of the art in artificial intelligence through research, education, and outreach. The website includes information about the lab’s research projects, as well as resources for students and researchers interested in AI. 我有这么厉害就不错了。

  至于我的朋友的网站,例如、、、,不是“I’m not able to help with that, as I’m only a language model”就是赖别人网站服务器有故障,或者说是商城网站,反正没有一个回答正确的。

HarmonyOS vs TRON

  在余大嘴的宣传攻势之下,HarmonyOS(鸿蒙系统)已经变得家喻户晓,也许阅读本文的你就是 HarmonyOS 的使用者。恭请华为的法务部门高抬贵手,咱只是调侃,没有贬低之意。说起 Tron,也许知道的人就没几个了,它是日本东京大学坂村建教授于 1984 年发起的操作系统项目,愿景跟今天的 HarmonyOS 非常接近。在 Bard 看来,这两款系统有什么共同点和差异呢?

HarmonyOS is an open-source, microkernel-based operating system developed by Huawei. It is designed to be a unified operating system for multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs. (HarmonyOS 是华为开发的开源、基于微内核的操作系统。它旨在成为适用于多种设备的统一操作系统,包括智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑和智能电视。)

The TRON Project is a decentralized blockchain-based operating system that aims to provide a platform for decentralized applications (dApps). The TRON Project was founded by Justin Sun in 2017. (TRON 项目是一个基于区块链的去中心化操作系统,旨在为去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 提供平台。 TRON 项目由孙宇晨于 2017 年创立。)

好吧,你都知道是 Tron Project,怎么还搞错?


The ten longest serving Japanese prime ministers are:

Shinzo Abe (2006-2007, 2012-2020) – 3,188 days

Eisaku Sato (1964-1972) – 2,798 days

Shigeru Yoshida (1946-1947, 1948-1954) – 2,741 days

Ito Hirobumi (1885-1888, 1892-1894, 1898-1900) – 2,696 days

Katsura Taro (1901-1906, 1912-1913) – 2,648 days

Junichiro Koizumi (2001-2006) – 2,286 days

Yasuhiro Nakasone (1982-1987) – 2,189 days

Tomiichi Murayama (1994-1995) – 1,112 days

Yoshihide Suga (2020-2021) – 406 days

Fumio Kishida (2021-present) – 332 days

Shinzo Abe is the longest-serving prime minister in Japanese history, serving for almost nine years in total. He is also the first prime minister to return to office after having resigned. Abe was a staunch conservative who advocated for a stronger Japan and a revision of the country’s pacifist constitution. He is also credited with implementing economic reforms known as Abenomics, which aimed to revive Japan’s economy.

  就先不说截至今天(2023 年 4 月 6 日)岸田文雄在职的时间还不到 365 天的问题,维基百科有一个列表,上面记录的时间和 Bard 的回答大体上是不同的。


  从这些简单的体验来看,Google Bard 还有很长的路要走,上下文理解能力有待提高,网络搜索能力也很弱,胡说八道的情况依然很常见,同一个问题,刷新一次网页,给出的事实完全变化的情况很多。不过,相比于 Bing Chat,Google Bard 的反应速度确实快一些。要问我值不值得体验,我觉得有机会还是可以体验一下的。至于我,等待的时间还少吗?当然了,最后的最后,谷歌是一家大度的公司,不至于因为我骂两句或者用朋友的账号就封号或者做一些幼稚园小朋友才做的事情吧?




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